Daily Archives: February 14, 2011

UCLA Taekwondo Club Tournament Results

The UCLA Taekwondo Club held home ground on Saturday in a PAC West Taekwondo meet against Stanford and UC Davis. Out of 24 scheduled matches, UCLA took the meet with 14 wins (including 8 walkovers) with UC Davis winning 11 and Stanford winning 9.

Congratulations to the following UCLA Competitors for winning their matches;

Jane Park (beating Stanford competitor Laura Malkiewich 4-1)

Kira Cramer (beating UCD competitor Esmeralda Cano 6-3)

Justin Lim (beating Stanford competitor Kaz Gunning 6-5)

Wesley Kerr (beating UCD competitor Oleg Lokvitsky 8-7)

Sergei Romanov (beating UCD competitor Layne Clemen 10-7)

Also congratulations to the whole team for a great showing and supporting their fellow competitors with TRUE BRUIN style!!!

Click the photo to congratulate the team on their Facebook page!